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Light Energy Wellness, LLC

My Story

Everyone loves to hear a success story!  Well here is mine! 


    I have spent the last 20 years of my life researching natural and holistic methods to help improve my health and   the health of my friends and family.   I incorporated these methods into my lifestyle and did achieve a greater        state of  health and wellness.  I even shared these methods with hundreds of women who became my clients         in my wellness practice. 


Then the virus hit and everything changed!  The illness and mental stress that I saw around me was overwhelming and heartbreaking.  I spent those years helping family and friends incorporate into their lives lifestyle changes that would help them fight the effects of the virus.


In the meantime, I hit 64 years old and started greatly feeling the effects of aging.  Despite still eating an 80/20 diet of gluten and dairy free, taking my natural supplements and homeopathy, reading the Word and praying daily, I began to experience symptoms of declining health. 


I had gained weight, felt tired all the time, had gut issues and was experiencing severe joint pain, muscle weakness, and headaches.  I felt unsteady on my feet and had to hold onto railings to climb or descend stairs. I seemed to catch every cold and cough that came around and it would linger for weeks!


I could feel the inflammation increasing in my body daily and as it is well researched...inflammation is the root cause of disease. 


I realized exercise was important, but honestly, I couldn't get up enough motivation or energy to start a program.  I was also suffering from anxiety, depression, severe brain fog and unable to concentrate or focus.  


I was a total mess and could feel myself on a fast moving decent into incapacitated aging.


I desperately wanted to start up my wellness business again and do what I loved doing, but I have always felt that if I couldn't help myself, how could I help others?


Then a miracle came into my life!  I was introduced to a  new technology from a dear friend of mine in London.

The power of light energy was explained to me and my life changed forever!


 I learned that with a very small patch that I placed on the back of my neck for 12 hours each day, I could start feeling alive again, full of health and vitality and even reverse aging!  I need to say, I have never felt better! 


I am getting up at 5-6am every morning with energy and motivation!  I go to the gym 2-3 days a week.  The food cravings have diminished and I am able to follow the 80/20 eating plan.  I no longer have joint or muscle pain. In fact my muscles are stronger than they have been in a very long time!  


The focus and clarity of my mind is better than it has been in the last 10 years and I don't have to force myself

to get out of bed...I look forward to a new day!


I am 68 years old and feel younger than I did when I was in my 40's!


This technology is revolutionary and life-changing!  I have been able to add other patches to my daily routine

that have helped me with so many other things such as detoxing and immune support.  I have even been able to add a patch which helps with weight loss!


I am so excited to share this knowledge with you! 


Please let me know if I can be of service to you.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss the

benefits of adding this powerful light therapy to your life.  I will be happy to get back to you!


Please contact me with the form on the next page.

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